Player Commands

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The players of Ragnarok Pinas have a plethora of controls and commands available to make their gaming experience as enjoyable as possible. This page lists what you, the player, can use, its functions, and how you may access these when the need arises.

Mouse Controls

  • M1 / Left click - Moves your character, interacts with NPCs, targets skills.
  • M2 / Right click (drag) - Rotates camera view.
  • Shift + Right click (drag) - Moves camera view up + down.
  • Shift + Right click (character without /nc) - Auto-follows selected character.
  • Alt + Right click (on item) - Quick item transfer to/from storage or cart.
  • Ctrl + Right click (on unidentified item) - Quick identify of item (provided the player has enough Magnifiers).
  • Shift + Click (on item) - Links item to chat.

Keyboard Shortcuts

These can be customized via BM/Shortcut Settings in-game.

Shortcut Description
F1 - F9 Hotkey Set 1
Q - O Hotkey Set 2
A - L Hotkey Set 3
Z - . Hotkey Set 4
F10 Cycles through the chat window size. Can also be done via mouse.
F11 Exits all windows.
F12 Cycles through the four shortcut bars.
Insert Sits the character down.
Escape Brings out the game menu.
Alt + End Removes HP/SP bar
Alt + Q Opens equipment window
Alt + A Opens stat window
Alt + W Opens cart window (for Merchant classes and Super Novice)
Alt + E Opens inventory
Alt + S Opens skill tree
Alt + J Opens pet window
Alt + U Opens quest list
Alt + Z Opens party window
Alt + H Opens friends list
Alt + M Opens hotkey shortcuts
Alt + L Opens list of available emotes
Alt + Y Opens the command window
Alt + V Opens basic character info window (exp, hp, sp, zeny)
Alt + C Opens the chatroom creation window
Alt + M Opens the macro window
Alt + G Opens the guild window

General Commands

Commonly used commands. The full list of basic commands can generally be accessed by typing /help or /h in-game.

Command Description
/noctrl or /nc Allows you to continuously attack a monster.
/noshift or /ns Allows you to use support skills on monsters or debuff skills on players.
/sit Sits your character down.
/effect Toggles game effects on/off.
/aura Simplifies aura effect.
/aura2 Turns auras completely off.
/bangbang Spins your character clockwise.
/bingbing Spins your character counter-clockwise.
/doridori Moves your character's head left and right.
/ex "character name" Blocks whispers from the specified player.
/exall Blocks whispers from everyone.
/in "character name" Allows whispers from the specified player.
/inall Allows whispers from everyone.
/fog Toggles fog on/off.
/memo Saves a warp point location.
/lightmap Toggles use of lightmap on/off and fixes white screen/ground.
/where Tells the location of your character including co-ordinates.
/w or /who Shows current users on the server.
/leave Leaves party.
/organize "party name" Creates a party.
/guild "name of guild" Creates a guild.
/breakguild "name of guild" Disbands the guild.
/savechat Saves entire message log into a text file. Located in your game directory in "chat" folder.
/skip Widens the frame skip rate.
/showname Toggles how player names are displayed.
/navi <map_name> x/y Leads you to the specified location.
/monsterhp Toggles the monster HP bar on/off.
/cashshop Toggles the Cash Shop icon on/off
% <message> Sends your message to the party.
$ <message> Sends your message to the guild.

Class Ranking Commands

These commands list the Top 20 players and the bonuses for their rank (Top 1-10 and Top 11-20).

  • /blacksmith
  • /alchemist
  • /taekwon

Stats Shortcut

  • /<stat>+ <number> (example: /str+ 98) - remember it's always 1 less than the number you want.

Custom Commands

Use @commands to access the full list of commands available in-game.

Command Description
@rates Displays the server rates.
@refresh Synchronizes the player's position on the client with the one stored on the server.
@exp Displays current levels and % progress.
@iteminfo Displays item information (type, price, weight, drops).
@help Displays the help message for the specified command.
@noask Toggles automatic rejection of deals and invites.
@time Displays the local server time, along with day/night information.
@showexp Toggles the display of experience gain messages.
@showdelay Shows or hides the red "Cannot use the skills" message.
@whereis Displays the maps in which monster normally spawns.
@hominfo Displays homunculus stats in different formats.
@commands Displays a list of @ commands available to the player.
@jailtime Displays remaining jail time.
@request Sends a message to all GMs.
@homstats Displays homunculus stats in different formats.
@mobinfo Displays monster information (rates, stats, drops, MVP data).
@worldboss check number of monsters killed serverwide over the required amount to activate worldboss.
@arealoot activate manual looting in 3x3 cells (VIP)
@joinevent join ongoing automated events.
@vsync Disabling vsync removes FPS limits.

Market Commands

Command Description
@autotrade After setting up a shop in order to log off and continue vending while offline.
@whosell Shows any shops which are currently selling the specified item. ex: @whosell 999 (if you are looking for vendors who sell Steel)

Special Commands

Command Description
@lgp Toggles the Lite Graphics Plugin on/off.
@aoes Toggles colored cells to indicate the range of an AoE skill on/off.
@circle Toggles a colored circle around your character to determine casting range on/off.
@shake Toggles shaking for skills such as Critical Explosion on/off. Does the same as /quake command.
@square <on/off/1-14> Shows a colored square around your character to determine cell amounts. (Usage: Type in @square on and then @square <number>. Using @square off disables it and using @square on again will turn it on with the previous number you typed in).

Battlegrounds Commands

Command Description
@leavebg will warp you out of the the current battleground you're in.
@listenbg display or not the battleground explanations.
@order only for the leader, an huge announce will be displayed to the team.
@reportafk only for the leader, expulsing someone who is AFK.
@bginfo will display all curent running BGs + amount of players + scores for each team and remaining time of the BG
@bgskill used by the leader. Better use the guild interface alt + g -> guild skill tree


Use Alt + L to access the emoticon list.

/! /? /ho /lv
/lv2 /swt /ic /an
/ag /$ /... /thx
/wah /sry /heh /swt2
/hmm /no1 /ok /omg
/oh /x /hlp /go
/sob /gg /kis /kis2
/pif /?? /bzz /rice
/awsm /meh /shy /pat
/mp /slur /com /spin
/sigh /dum /crwd /desp
/dice /e20 /hum /abs
/oops /spit /ene /panic