Server Time 12:40:49
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Players Online 3,134
4,824 Unique Login

Thank you for considering to donate to Ragnarok Pinas. Playing on Ragnarok Pinas is 100% free; however, donating any amount supports and helps us cover the costs of running a server.

Donations help us to sustain the server and web hosting fees and also going towards any expansion, upgrades, advertising and other server expenses.

Transaction Policy

About Streamer Code

  • When you include a streamer code in your donation form, the corresponding streamer will receive a 5% cash points or real money equivalent of the amount that you donated for. In return, you will get additional 5% Cash Points on top of your donation.
  • Streamer Code will not stack with Donation Bonus mechanics stated below.
  • E.g. If you donate $10, you'll get 1,050 Cash Points and the streamer will get 50 Cash Points or equivalent to cash.
  • Streamer codes will only be recognized if they are included in the donation form that was sent upon donating.


1 USD = 100 Cash Points (CP)

For currency conversion guide (USD to PHP) [click here].

By donating for the server, you agree to the above policy.


For every 100$ donation = you will get 5% Cash Points Bonus per donation (up to 20% Max Cap)

ex: 200$ donation = 22,000 Cash Points (10% Cash Points Bonus)


Choose and click the mode of donation below:

Need Help?

If you're running into any trouble installing or running the game, kindly contact us on our facebook page or discord and we're are more than happy to assist you.